3 simple ways to memorize Hawaiian words and phrases
Sep 04, 2023Aloha e ka poe haumana olelo Hawaii,
Have you ever said something (in English or Hawaiian) and it came out wrong? Yeah, me too.
Memorizing vocabulary and phrases is a really important part of expressing yourself and there are plenty of ways to do it.
Here are 3 ways I memorize new words and phrases.
- I wrote lists of vocabulary words and put them around the house. (Some people use Post-in notes - that works too.) So when I was in the kitchen, saying normal, everyday things, I could look at the paper and it would have the vocabulary I’d normally use in the kitchen like “plate” or “bowl.” Another list would be in the bathroom or office. You get the idea. Once I had the words memorized, I’d take it down.
- I wrote down thoughts, questions, and responses I would use in a real conversation. This practice gave me the time I needed to figure out how to express myself in Hawaiian. When I did have in-person conversations with people who spoke Hawaiian, I was much more confident and had better luck saying the things I had written and already practiced than trying to figure out how to say things on the spot.
Remember, the real trick to being conversational is to actually make an effort to use the words!
- I always had a phrase or word I wanted to try out with the next person I talked to (which was usually my wife). When I did this, one of two responses would happen… Either they would understand me and inside I was super stoked that I was able to express myself… Or they were really confused. I’d have to explain myself some more to get the idea across, but I learned a lot this way. Sometimes, if the speaker was more advanced in the language than me, they would tell me a more appropriate word to use and help me understand how to use it.
Like I said, there are plenty of ways to memorize vocabulary and I hope these ideas will help you.
I’m curious to know… How are you building your vocabulary? Do you do these things? Do you use flashcards? Or something else? What word or phrase are you going to try next?
Reply to this email and tell me all about it.
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