Are you saying “ai” correctly?

Sep 01, 2023

Aloha mai kakou i keia pule,


Do common mispronunciations of Hawaiian sounds really matter? Well, it depends on your language goals. If you want to sound like a native, then yes.


Pronunciation may not be the first thing you focus on when learning the language, but developing good habits early on can save you extra work trying to correct mispronunciations in the future. I know from experience. 

There are a lot of common mispronunciations, and today we will focus on how to pronounce “ai”. You’ve probably heard this vowel combination pronounced like “eye” or “why”. Watch the video to hear the way it should be said and an explanation to help you understand the exceptions.


Click here to watch the Reel


This one can be tricky and a hard habit to break if you’re used to saying it the way it’s commonly said, but with practice I know you’ll get it. 


Wherever you are on your journey, l encourage you to take small steps towards your goal of sounding like a native, even if it’s just learning to pronounce “ai” correctly. 




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